Sunday, April 22, 2012

8 Fashion Trends that Men Hate

Hot New Fashion Trends

8 Fashion Trends that Men Hate

They say that fashion is not uncomfortable. But, apparently, yes it uncomfortable at the sight of some men ! Unfortunately, it happens that the latest trends and fashion shouts are not some of the proposals more welcome for the male gender.

Given this problem, there are many women who use any type of clothing no matter what the opinion of your partner. Whereas others do take into account thinking male when selecting his look before going out to the street. What is the solution ? Reach a mutual agreement and avoid some other garment and complement.

That is why, today I'll give out 8 fashion trends that men hate that you'd have to avoid to keep your guy happy. You'd be willing to give you ?

Fashion That Does Not Like Men


Neon Pants

It is true that the glow for the night is necessary. But you not exceed with the colors ! Fluorine or tones neon tends to be one of the colors less men share. In principle they prefer a discreet girl that does not use strong colors, and that clearly isn't too appealing. In conclusion ? He forgets the neon ! At least for the first appointment...

Makeup in Excess

If we talk about accessories, makeup is clearly one of the most important of every woman. For this reason which is really essential to know apply it sparingly, without performing any excess color too exaggerated to call attention. Forget the red lips, black shadows and an eyeliner too noticeable overhead. Men generally prefer a woman with a 100% more natural look and fresh.

Extravagant Shoes

The extravagant shoes are one of the worst choices. Men hate them ! Especially if you have any design with bright colours and a too high heel. Ideally, choose to moderate heels and classic designs when you go out as a couple.

Dyed Hair

Unfortunately, men are not supporters of the inks and too colorful hair. I recommend you not take into account the example of Katy Perry, and keep your hair as it is. You'll see that your guy would be delighted with an aspect more carefully and natura. Give a try it !

Uggs Boots

Yes, I know that they are very comforting and they keep our feet really warm during the cold days of winter. But they hate them ! Or at least the vast majority. Slippers, let alone a footwear suitable only for use within the household are usually associated with a pair. Whatever the case, if you're going to use them anyway, tries to do so when you leave with your guy or perhaps your partner. Believe me, so you welcome me !

Leg Warmers

With these adorable legs warmers, it happens the same as with Uggs boots. They are really very comfortable for our legs and help us to get the temperature appropriate in winter, but... the men not bet on them ! A shame, I know. What can do you ? What you can try is use them under some sort of wide trousers. Perhaps in this way will not notice, and everyone come to an agreement.

Animal Print

It must be very careful with the prints. Animal print, for example, can be a fantastic for us, but really horrible for the male criterion garment. If you're not willing to give up this stamp, I recommend that you have much careful with colors you that you choose combine it.

Skinny Jeans

There is a percentage of men who prefer to use their girlfriends one of the most fashionable jeans now, cigarette or chupĂ­n. However, there is also another small percentage who think that these jeans are too tight, and are not best placed to avoid attention.

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